Webcam (Web Client)

The webcam can be used to capture a photo during check-in or check-out. This includes the ability to require a face to be present in the webcam image before check-in/out can be completed.

To navigate to the webcam settings, first click on the 3 lines at the top left-hand corner of the check-in/out screen, then click on Settings. If you do not see Settings, you’ll need to click on Switch to Admin Mode and then log in with admin credentials. Once there, you should see Settings.

Within Settings, click on Devices at the top of the page. If you see your webcam in this menu, you can select it from here, otherwise, choose Add New Device.

Device Name – Set a name for the webcam

Video Source – Select the webcam attached to the PC

Facing Mode – Choose a front or rear camera(if using a smartphone)

There are sliders for brightness and contrast in case you need to make adjustments to the picture quality.

Face Detection – Enabling face detection will require a face to be present in the webcam image during check-in.

Face Detection

By enabling Require After Error, if no face is detected or if another error happens, the check-in cannot continue.

Enabling Skip After Failure will allow the user to skip after 3 unsuccessful attempts to detect a face.

An internet connection is required for face detection to work properly.

Your webcam image will appear above the Printer dropdown menu. Once you select a printer, you can click on Take A Photo and Print, and this will give you a preview of how the picture will come out. You can also test face detection by clicking on Test Face Detection.

Things of Note/Best Practices:

Be sure to test the webcam and face detection on the config page.

Poor lighting or visitors wearing masks, hats, or glasses can adversely affect face detection.

Be sure your web browser has access to the webcam. In Chrome, you can verify this by clicking the lock icon to the left of the URL in the address bar, clicking Site Settings, and then making sure the camera is set to Allow. You may have to reload the web page for the change to take effect.

Need help troubleshooting your webcam? Watch this video.